Jan 18 Rockabillaque Immokalee, FL 11:00 AM-11:45 AM

​Jan 22-26 Namm Show Anaheim.

Feb. 14 & 15 The Milltop St. Augustine 9 PM-12 AM duo.

Feb. 22nd  Florida Craft Brew and Wing Fest 

Royal Palm Pointe Park  East Stage Vero Beach 2-5

March 21-22 The Milltop St. Augustine 9-12

April 5th Vero Beach, Kilted Mermaid 7-10

​April 6th Vero Beach, Waldo's, 1-4.

April 12 Crystal Harley Davidson 12-4

May 2 & 3 The Milltop St. Augustine  9-12

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